phone: 917-825 0693

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Never been to Florida before, so this will be my first time. Fort Lauderdale, first time I heard about this place is when I started digging jazz music, found one of the best bass player Jaco Pastorius from Fort Lauderdale, unique personality, genius musician, with manic acts, and he really good, though I play guitar, but I always like to hear his music. He end up tragically becoming  homeless in New York City, lived on street, played his bass guitar on park, with his hazard look, imagine he is one of the greatest bass player. Then he went back to Fort Lauderdale to start all over, he was killed after a fight incident in a bar. You can check it out his tribute website here

Tomorrow I'm heading to Fort Lauderdale, not on a special mission for Jaco, it just happen to be my first stop, and I would like to feel the air and the atmosphere of my favorite musician home town.  


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New York, New York, United States


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